#if youre not following you should be



1,300 Followers Challenge!

Round 2


Requested by Anon

Words: 1,171

Warnings: Neutral Reader, first date nerves, supportive Kili, first kiss

Fili’s hands wrung tightly together, anxiously chewing on his bottom lip.  How had he managed to convince himself to do this?  How had he even gotten the courage to ask you to meet? Now, it all felt so overwhelming, that he wasn’t overly sure what to do with himself.

He’d take a few steps, then stop, muttering under his breath, then take a few more steps back the other way, and stop.  If anyone saw him like this, they think he’d have gone mad.

A knock on his door made him jump and he cleared his throat, mentally trying to shake off the growing sense of dread in the pit of his stomach.  “Come in.”

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So excited to see a new Fili story by the lovely Kitchenator! And it was freaking adorable! I melted into a little Fili-inspired puddle! How can you not want to cuddle up with this little lion? This was awesome!